Please Support Our Service Men and Women Bravely Serving Overseas
War Torn Pups & Cats provides logistical and financial support to reunite military personnel with the stray animals they rescued and bonded with while serving overseas. - donations to this program help with costs including, vaccines, medical treatment, rescue liaison, transportation and more.
While the financial investment is high, the relief, comfort and joy this program provides our heroic service men and women is immeasurable. We love getting these precious rescued dogs & cats safely to the United States. The overseas horrors bestowed upon animals is atrocious. Leaving them behind is heart-breaking and devastating for our military members.
Stories about the brave women, men, and dogs that serve our country are healthy reminders of the sacrifices some individuals make for others.
These pups may not have the training, but they have the love and courage to emotionally, and sometimes physically, serve our troops. Through this, they form intense and loyal bonds with their soldiers. They become a bonded family. Sadly though, it is incredibly difficult to keep these new found families together once a soldier is deployed back to the states.
Your support keeps these rescued animals and soldiers together and provides such emotional relief for the solders.