Meet Groot- the very sweet and silly Guardian of his Galaxy (platoon). His rescuer an U.S. Army Specialist, along with her platoon have fell in love with this rescue orange tabby from the Middle East. Groot, much like the character he is named after, loves his family, mostly calm and quiet, and fiercely loyal. One of his funniest qualities, the U.S. Army Specialist says, other than his stubbornness to move from his chosen seat, is his obsession with food. “Groot is the biggest foodie! It doesn’t matter if he is dead asleep, he will RUN to the fridge if he hears it open and wait for snacks…eyes half shut and all.” Groot has been a major source of happiness and stress relief for his rescuer and the platoon during a long deployment. The U.S. Army Specialist expressed gratitude for Groot’s affection and companionship, stating “we have a very young group (of soldiers) and for a lot of them, including myself, this was our first holiday season without our family.” Since being cared for by his rescuer, Groot has really come out of his shell; with continued safety and love from his rescuer, this stellar cat will continue to be an out-of-this-world companion to his brave service member once she is home from deployment. Please support Paws of War to help get Groot to safety in the USA.