Please Save Garfield!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
This campaign has ended. To support Paws of War's War Torn Pups & Cats program please visit:
This is Lieutenant P and Garfield's Story
While serving overseas, Lieutenant P, first saw the orange tabby cat sitting by a garbage pile. Some locals were throwing rocks at him, but he just remained there tired and hungry. Lt. P ran to his aid and sat next to him and reassured him and named him Garfield.
Garfield crawled into his lap and quickly fell asleep... as if to know his hero had arrived.
The next day Lt. P went back to the same spot. As soon as he got close to the garbage pile, Garfield slowly came out of the brush then ran right to him. He brought Garfield food and water, which Garfield immediately devoured. After eating, Garfield climbed atop Lt. P's shoulders and laid down. That quickly became Garfield's special spot and lookout perch!
Lt. P became incredibly attached and protective of Garfield. They are each others lifeline to normalcy, loyalty and trust. Garfield can always be found on Lt. P's shoulder purring and enjoying the view. Lt. P's tour is coming to an end and the thought of leaving Garfield behind to get tortured or worse, has this soldier very distraught. Time to save Garfield is of the essence.
Anytime Garfield can he sits on Lt. P's shoulders purring and enjoying the view. Lt. P's tour is coming to an end and the thought of Garfield being left behind to get tortured or worse has him distraught.
"Garfield and I grew an immensely strong bond, and I can't imagine living without him." Lt. P
We are committed to getting Garfield safely to the U.S., but we need your help. Getting cats into the U.S. is a complex and expensive process, but our soldiers have sacrificed so much already, we can't ask them to give up their best friends.